Equine Law
Equestrian Living
Horseback Riding
While equine law may not be the most exciting part of owning a horse, it is important that you brush up on your equine law knowledge to avoid headaches down the line and keep horse ownership fun and rewarding.
Everything a homesteader needs to know, to legally run a homestead.
Is your horse business eligible for tax deductions? Yes! Here’s how: IRS Rules for Horse Businesses When building Fairway Stables, one of the first questions I looked into was whether or not our horse business would constitute tax deductions under IRS laws. If you’re like me, you may have wondered: Does the IRS think about […]
Taking a boarder into your horse stables can be a great way to socialize your own horses. It can even bring in some extra cash. It can also be a huge favor for friends needing a place to board their horses. But should you board your friend’s horses? And if you can, is there a […]
Equine law tips for letting your friend’s horse share a ride in your trailer and letting a friend trailer your horse. Do you haul horses for friends? Or does someone trailer your horse for you? Here are 3 equine law tips you need to know for horse trailer ride shares. Call me biased, but horse […]
If you own a horse, do you really need to have equine liability insurance? This is a contested question in the equestrian world, and today we’re breaking down: What types of equine insurance are available? Why is equine insurance important? Misconceptions about equine insurance As a horse owner, should you have equine insurance? What are […]
If you want to make money homesteading, there are two things you need to know about protecting your brand: You need to brand your animals correctly (register your literal brand), and You need to register a trademark for your business name and logo When we think of branding and homesteads, our minds usually go to […]
And other legal tips to protect your land! If you have farm animals on your homestead, farmette, ranch, or property, homesteading laws may require you to have warning signs. Here is a breakdown of: What landowners need to know about warning signs on their property, When a homestead, farm, ranch, etc., needs to have warning […]
What is the best business structure for a horse farm? What about for a farmette or hobby farm? Well, there are several reasons to incorporate- most of which being that incorporating a farm can save a farm owner quite a bit of tax money, and most importantly, separates the farm owner’s farm liability from their […]
Naming a horse farm, for me at least, was one of the trickiest steps in starting up a homesteading-related business! If you’re struggling with how to name your horse farm and wondering how the most elite horse farms in the world find names with lasting prestige, this article is for you! How do prestigious horse […]
Over the past decade, the U.S. has seen population growth in rural areas across the nation. People are moving closer and closer to properties with horses and other farm animals. This trend will probably continue to grow for the foreseeable future. As a result, the horse industry is seriously affected by these zoning conflicts. City-dwellers […]
A safety guide for bringing human and horse friends together. When you get a horse, you can cross your t’s and dot your i’s, feeling confident that you’ve done everything right. But, there are many questions that equestrians don’t know to ask until they find themselves in the position. For example, should you let your […]
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